Cyber Security Awareness Training Guide
A cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds and cybercriminals are counting on your users to take their bait. Businesses must educate their users to ensure they are able to identity and respond to potential security risks to prevent cyberattacks.
Whether it is a ransomware attack, a data breach, impersonation attack, or a DDoS attack, a cyberattack can have significant impact to your business. Cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated and cyberattacks are designed to bypass traditional email gateway security solutions. With end-user email security awareness training, you can ensure your users can identify and report these attacks, so they do not fall victim. Our Cyber Security Awareness Training service is proven as an effective defence against today’s cyberattacks.
But how does it work?
Distributing awareness training
Send a blanket email across your workforce to tell them the next instalment of their Cyber Security Awareness Training is ready. This will include information about what topic the training is about, as well as a link to access the training.

Introduction to your training
When an employee clicks on the email, they will be taken to an introduction screen like this. They will be advised not to open any new tabs or windows whilst completing the training. Here you can start your training by clicking ‘next’.

Training video
When an employee starts their training, a video will begin to play. The employee will be required to watch the video in full before moving onto the next stage of their training. Most of these videos last between 1 and 5 minutes.

The training videos include subtitles to ensure your employees don’t miss any important information. However, for best results, we would advise everyone taking part in the Cyber Security Awareness Training to listen to them.

Put your workforce to the test
Once the training video is complete, you will be prompted to complete a series of multiple choice questions based on the training you have just received. Once all of these questions have been answered, the training will be complete and you will be free to close the tab/window.

What happens after the training is complete?
All Cyber Security Awareness Training must be completed by a specific date. After this date, a report will be collated. This report outlines who received the training email, who accessed the training, and who completed their training. This enables you to identify anyone who isn’t taking part in the Security Awareness Training. If a phishing simulation was sent out to your employees during this timeframe, the report will also highlight which staff members clicked on the email. This will enable you to determine who is your biggest risk factor when it comes to real life phishing emails.